Err2:The database is now full. Either extend it or delete records if you wish to make further additions.
Err3:There's no such field.
Err4:Date not valid (%0)
Err5:%0 is not on %1 validation list.
Err6:Search formula too complex.
Err7:%0 is too long for field.
Err8:Unrecognized field (%0) in search formula.
Err9:Field not numeric.
Err10:New value (%0) is too long for field %1 and will be truncated.
Err11:You have entered a zero-length key!
Err12:Can't make global changes to current key field.
Err13:Operation forbidden on key fields.
Err14:Your password doesn't allow you to do this.
Err15:This is the database you are currently using!
Err16:All data fields must be tagged.
Err17:Design record format first.
Err18:File %0 not found.
Err19:This is not a Form file.
Err20:Tags may not be duplicated.
Err21:The two record formats are not identical.
Err22:New form file doesn't exist.
Err23:You are already using the configured maximum number of %0 (i.e. %1). If you need more %0 quit Powerbase, edit '%2' in !Powerbase.Resources.Config, then re-run.
Err24:Not a runnable database. Check for absence of Form/Database files.
Err25:Record is not blank.
Err26:Key cannot be longer than field(s)!
Err27:Data merge abandoned.
Err28:New application directory has no Form file.
Err29:Printing interrupted: report incomplete.
Err30:No fields defined!
Err31:Validation table %0 not found.
Err32:This database requires %0 %1 and only %2 are configured. Quit Powerbase, edit '%3' in !Powerbase.Resources.Config, then re-run.
Err33:No pathname. Drag file icon to a directory display.
Err34:Which fields do you wish to export? Use ADJUST to select them.
Err35:All defined data fields have a data-length of zero!
Err36:Destination and source databases must not be the same.
Err37:Primary key %0 already exists. Duplication not allowed.
Err38:Heading cannot be wider than column.
Err39:Data transfer failed - Receiver died.
Err40:Search formula not understood.
Err41:CSV file abandoned. File may be incomplete.
Err42:Configured maximum for table columns is %0. If you need more columns quit Powerbase, edit 'Cols' in !Powerbase.Resource.Config, then re-run.
Err43:Escape pressed. Indexing abandoned.
Err44:Calculation formula too complex.
Err45:Primary key %0 already exists. 'OK' will insert record with same primary key, 'Cancel' will ignore this record.
Err46:Unknown command (%0) in script file.
Err47:Clear table? (Data can be recovered with "Undo all" from this menu provided you have not closed the table.)
Err48:Change primary key? (Cancel will leave entire record unchanged.)
Err49:Rotate files.
Err50:Index %0 already exists. Overwrite?
Err51:Delete record permanently?
Err52:This operation is forbidden because not all the records to be removed are empty. Exporting as a subset might be a suitable alternative, see Ch.13 of manual or file "Subsets"
Err53:Remove field.
Err54:Table must have at least one more column if specified field is to be used in a calculation.
Err55:Record %0 is not in use.
Err56:Record number for key %0 is outside file limits.
Err57:Script execution aborted.
Err58:Number too small in field %0 %1.
Err59:Number too big in field %0 %1.
Err60:Expression following NOT must be in brackets.
Err61:You may not leave field%0 blank.
Err62:No fields defined yet. Click MENU and choose "Design field".
Err63:Closing down database on RAM disc. Changes not copied to permanent storage.
Err64:Maximum field length is 246 characters.
Err65:Longest field is too long even for vertical format.
Err66:Database full when reading CSV file.
Err67:Escape pressed. Search for duplicate primary keys aborted.
Err68:Execute script file '%0'?
Err69:You must create an empty database before you can import data into it.
Err70:Attempt to compact list abandoned. Maximum field lengths will be used.
Err71:Database size cannot be zero or negative! Defaulting to 100 records.
Err72:Increment cannot be negative! Defaulting to 25 records.
Err73:Unrecognized field in calculation formula %0. Have you renamed a tag used in the calculation?
Err74:Escape pressed. CSV file import abandoned.
Err87:Unrecognised %0 (%1) in CSV header record.
Err88:Can't make a database unless CSV file has a header which includes field data.
Err89:No field data in CSV header.
Err90:No printer driver installed.
Err91:No linked directory. To establish the link drop the directory on the button.
Err92:No more dynamic areas available. Please contact Powerbase Support.
Err93:Unmatched quotes in search formula.
Err94:Time not valid (%0 out of range).
Err95:Can't fit whole line at %0pt. Field%1 will be truncated or omitted. (%2) Print regardless?
Err96:Database uses more than %0 %1. The following have not been loaded: %2. Quit Powerbase and edit '%3' in !Powerbase.Resources.Config, then re-run.
Err97:The following fields are in the old, but not the new, database: %0. Any data in these fields will not be transferred.
Err98:Database uses %0 fields and only %1 are configured. Quit Powerbase and edit 'Fields' in !Powerbase.Resources.Config to between %0 and 127, then re-run
Err99:Unable to find log file: logging suspended.
Err100:Proposed index involves a field or fields (%0) which is/are used in your primary key. You may create such an index but it could confuse the user.
Err101:Time not valid (hours, minutes and seconds must be separated by a non-numeral).
Err102:day month and year must be separated by a non-numeral.
Err103:Please give your table a name.
Err104:Please specify number of rows.
Err105:Key length cannot be zero.
Err106:%0 is the currently-active index and may not be overwritten.
Err107:This is not a working database so you can't merge from it.
Err108:Copies of password don't match.
Err109:Database length is not a multiple of record length. Click on OK and the fault will be rectified. If it occurs again with this database please contact Powerbase Support.
Err110:No room for another column of this width (maximum is %0).
Err111:Operation abandoned. At least one record would be lost because it generates a null primary key.
Err112:No columns defined!
Err113:No matching records for %0
Err114:Import CSV data into table?
Err115:%0? Are you sure?
Err116:Sequence number %0 must be indexed and be the currently-active key.
Err117:The following fields have been shortened in the new database: %0. Some data may be truncated.
Err118:month out of range
Err119:day out of range: max = %0
Err120:year not 2 or 4 digits
Err121:Pathname %0 does not exist. Locate file %1 and re-link to button %2
Err122:Attempt %0 to open %1 with I.D. %2 and password %3.
Err123:Remove %0 from access control list?
Err124:There's no user called %0
Err125:Null passwords are not allowed.
Err126:No user I.D. entered.
Err127:Sequence number %0 must be the currently-active key.
Err128:Sequence numbers will be re-allocated so that there are no gaps in the sequence. WARNING: this operation cannot be undone.
Err129:Sorry, you aren't allowed to call a database or file 'Powerbase'.
Err130:This is a copy of the previously displayed record. If you make no changes it will be ignored, otherwise it will be added to the file as a new record.
Err131:More CSV data in input file than there are records to modify. Operation terminated.
Err132:With this option selected no new records will be created. The database will be traversed in key order and each record modified with the supplied CSV data. USE WITH CAUTION!
Err133:Create default database? (%0 records with %1 as primary key)
Err134:You are recommended to move this database into %0
Err135:Customisation library %0 attempts to redimension an array used in Powerbase itself. Customised features not implemented.
Err136:Select Tags or Descriptors (to match CSV header) in Print options window.
Err137:Function/Procedure in %0 not recognized: is UserFuncs present?
Err138:Move%0records from subfile %1 to subfile %2 %3
Err139:Accumulate%0records from all subfiles in subfile %1 %2
Err140:Delete%0records from subfile %1 %2
Err141:WARNING! This operation cannot be undone unless you deselect "Blank record on deletion" (Preferences window)
Err142:Nothing to undo.
Err143:Records have been blanked so delete operation cannot be undone.
Err144:Operation not permitted on primary key.
Err145:Database deleted or moved.
Err146:The desktop font has been changed. Re-load database if descriptors are "clipped" or data no longer fits boxes.
Err147:About to delete index %0.
Err148:Menu button can only be associated with an editable field.
Err149:Field must have descriptor or tag or both.
Err150:Database must have at least one editable field
Err151:Menu file "%0" is too big. Maximum allowed size is 255 bytes.
Err152:Menu file "%0" not found.
Err153:Cannot handle more than 127 tree levels. Balance first, then display
Err154:Pathname %0 too long for Remote field (max.=%1)
Err155:Warning! Copied selection contains primary key field data from original record.
Err156:No record design exists yet
Err157:Record design exists, but no datafiles
Err158:No primary key file.
Err159:Design to be modified for reformatted database
Err160:Edit record format then choose "Quit design" from menu
Err161:Reformatting complete. Open database is %0. Your original database, %1, is unaffected.
Err162:Field %0 has either new or reassigned menu button. Menu file needs creating or renaming.
Err163:A usermenu has been assigned to another field. It will need renaming as %0
Err164:An error has occurred resulting in the generation of a negative record number.
Err165:Pathname of remote object is: %0
Err166:If indices are saved now previous batch move/delete can't be undone. Proceed?
Err167:Reformatting old database. Please wait.
Err168:Removing "deleted" external files.
Err169:Restoring external files.
Err170:%0 in calculation formula %1 (visible), %2 (actual).
Err171:No matching records for %0 subset. Copied database shell and Form file only.
Err172:This type of CSV file creates a database from scratch. Close the existing database and drop the file on the iconbar icon.
Err173:This operation may be faster if you %0select the Case button on the Query panel.
Err174:This operation is not allowed because required new field length (%0) would need to exceed old length (%1). Such changes must be made using New record format/Rebuild database from the Utilities menu.
Err175:%0 duplicated primary keys have been created. Choose "Utilities=>Find duplicates" for a listing.
Err176:The Filer cannot find your %0. Open directory containing it and try again.
Err177:The following scrollable lists have fewer columns in the new database than in the old: %0. Data from the omitted columns will not be transferred.
Err178:Reformatting abandoned. Please delete %0, which is not a runnable database.
Err179:Column widths for scrollable list %0 do not add up correctly.
Err180:No printer driver installed
Err181:Maximum number of lines printable on this size of label with chosen settings is %0. Reduce or concatenate field selection or reduce font size.
Err182:Printer not ready
Err183:Can't copy database into itself!
Err184:when existing value is
Err185:Powerbase cannot use more than 127 fields. Edit 'Fields' in !Powerbase.Resources.Config to a suitable value.
Err186:Pathname of linked directory is %0
Err187:Pathname of linked file is %0
Err188:Nothing is linked to this button.
Err189:NOTE! Index on this field will no longer be valid and will be deleted.
Err190: for subfile%0
Err191: for %0 in subfile%1
Err192:Change contents of field %0 to %1
Err193:Preparing printer file. Please wait.
Err194:Copying to printer.
Err195:Log file not found.
Err196:Whole line can't be printed at any useful size.
Err197:Whole line could be printed at %0 pt.
Err198:The filer has not seen your %0. Open the directory containing it and try again.
Err199:Index %0 not found.
Err200:Drag to a different directory if you want to call new database %0, like the present one.
Err201:, pre-sorted on %0
Err202:Null primary keys are not allowed. Click OK and then complete primary key field or Cancel to discard this record.
Err203:Primary key file is missing. Rebuild from iconbar Utilities menu before attempting anything else. NOTE! This will restore deleted records.
Err204:Extend file from %0 to %1 records?
Err205:Shorten file from %0 to %1 records?
Err206:Recalculate %0 = %1 for existing records?
Err207:This database claims to have %0 fields. Powerbase cannot use more than 127. Form file must be corrupt.
Err208:%0 format may not be used for %1 output.
Err209:New value must be larger than current maximum (i.e. at least %0)
Err210:Access control list is at %0
Err211:Maximum number of calculations reached.
Err212:Please enter a calculation formula.
Err213:You can't load data to this icon.
Err214:There are %0 printed records, which is more than can be sorted. (Max.%1)
Err215:Directories for External fields have been renamed: for details see %0. Restore the old names to use this database on an older version of Powerbase.
Err216:Impulse has requested data which Powerbase has not asked to send.
Err217:Change abandoned.
Err218:Medium not writable. Changes will not be saved.
Err219:Click OK to print page %0.
Err220:Print job cancelled.
Err221:Field type %0 is not supported by this version of Powerbase.
Err222:Subset and parent database cannot have identical pathnames!
Err223:Text width value too big. 254 substituted.
maindrag:Position field by dragging with \s. Change size of box by dragging with \a. Descriptor may be positioned independently.
phone:Double-click to produce dial-tones from speaker after %0 sec. delay.
mandatory:This field may not be left blank.
update:Updates when record is displayed.
main0:No restrictions: accepts any printable character. %0
main2:Accepts only capital letters, numerals and decimal point. %0
main3:Accepts only numeric data. %0
main4:Accepts only Y and N. %0
main5_8:Accepts only valid dates in the format DD-MM-YY. When indexing you can force "century wraparound" by setting key length to 5 instead of 8. %0
main5_10:Accepts only valid dates in the format DD-MM-YYYY. %0
main6:This is a Calculated field. Value is determined by other fields: you can't enter data directly.
main7:This is a Composite field. Value is determined by other fields: you can't enter data directly.
main8:Only accepts a time in the form hh:mm:ss. %0
main9/main10/main11/main12/main13/main14/main15/main16/main17/main18/main19/main20/main21/main22/main23/main24/main25/main26/main27/main28/main29/main30/main31:This is a control button. \Sproduce same effect as corresponding keypad button.
main32:\Senter a search formula for printing a report.
main33:\Sdisplay menu which may be used to enter data into field at left. \Acall up menu file for editing.
main34:\Sclose the database.
main35:\Sopen a directory on the filing system. Drop the required directory on the button to establish the link. \Adisplay pathname.
main36:This is an External Text field. Drop a text file here to attach it to the record. \Sedit the file. ^\a toggles auto-display on/off
main37:This is an External Sprite field. Drop a Sprite file here to attach it to the record. \Sedit the file. ^\a toggles auto-display on/off
main38:This is an External Draw field. Drop a Draw file here to attach it to the record. \Sedit the file. ^\a toggles auto-display on/off
main39:This is an External Text block field. Drop a text file here to display it and attach it to the record. Double-\Sedit the file.
main40:This is an External Picture field. Drop a Sprite file here to display it and attach it to the record. Double-\Sedit the file.
main41/main42/main43:Field is a 2-state check-box. \Stoggle its state.
main44:\Srun a file. Drop the required file on the button to establish the link. Text files are treated as Powerbase scripts, other files trigger relevant Run action (where defined). \Adisplay pathname.
main45:\Squit Powerbase
main46:Record number. Not editable.
main47:Sequence number. Not editable.
main48/main68:Time stamp. Not editable. %0
main49/main50/main51/main69/main70/main71:Date stamp. Not editable. %0
main52/main72:Date and time. Not editable. %0
main53/main73/main74/main79:Day of week. Not editable. %0
main54/main75:Day of month. Not editable. %0
main55/main56/main76/main77:Month. Not editable. %0
main57/main78:Year. Not editable. %0
main58:Date record last altered. Not editable.
main59:This is merely a logo. Not editable.
main60:Remote field. Drop object here to link to record. \s 'runs' object, \a selects pathname for printing, export etc. ⇧\s loads file into text editor, ⇧\a displays pathname. ^\a toggles auto-display. Global changes allowed on pathname.
main61/main62:Field is a 3-state check-box. \Scycle through states.
main63:This field is intended for email addresses and Web URLs. Double-\Spass contents to mail program or browser. %0
HelpList:This is a report produced by a database query. It may be saved to disc as a plain text file and also sorted if the header is restricted to the first page only. Click MENU to access these options.
HelpTable:This is a validation table. \Ainclude columns in a report. ('Expand' switch in Print Options \w must also be selected.) Double-\Son item to enter it in record window or dialogue box at caret. Click MENU to access other options.
HelpScroller:This is a scrollable list. To add a new row hold down Shift when typing Return on the last field.
keypad0:\S"flip" through records in forward direction. \Areverse direction. Increase "fast forward" interval (top centre) to reduce speed.
keypad1:\Sstop automatic scan.
keypad2:\Sgo to first record in subfile. \Ago to last.
keypad3:\Sgo to last record in subfile. \Ago to first.
keypad4:\Smove forward one record. \Areverse the action.
keypad5:\Smove back one record. \Areverse the action.
keypad6:\Smove forward by number of records shown at left. \Areverse the action.
keypad7:\Smove back by number of records shown at right. \Areverse the action.
keypad8:\Smake next index active. \Areverse the action.
keypad9:\Smake previous index active. \Areverse the action.
keypad10:\Sview next subfile. \Areverse the action.
keypad11:\Sview previous subfile. \Areverse the action.
keypad13:\Ssearch for a key in current subfile. Use \a if you want to search ALL subfiles.
keypad14:\Sadd new record to current subfile. \Amake a copy of currently-displayed record.
keypad15:\Smove displayed record into next subfile, e.g. from subfile 1 to 2. \a moves it to previous subfile, e.g. from 1 to 0. Hold down Shift while clicking if you wish to "follow" the record into the new subfile.
keypad16:\Smove displayed record into previous subfile, e.g. from subfile 1 to 0. \a moves it to next subfile, e.g. from 1 to 2. Hold down Shift while clicking if you wish to "follow" the record into the new subfile.
keypad17:"Yea, from the table of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records." (Hamlet Act 1, Scene 5). \Sactually DELETE the displayed record from the database. Requires confirmation.
keypad18:\Sview allowed values for the field which has the caret. Only relevant if field is linked to a validation table. Button greyed out if validation is turned off.
keypad19:\Ssave the displayed record and all indices and validation tables. Only really necessary as an insurance against power-loss.
keypad20:\Sstore the contents of the field which has the caret on the clipboard.
keypad21:\Sretrieve the contents of the field which has the caret from the clipboard.
keypad22:Select to make browse controls access only those records which match a certain specification. \A to display currently-active filter if filter window has been closed.
keypad23:Enter "fast wind" interval here. (Also controls the speed of autoscan.)
keypad24/keypad25/keypad26/keypad27:"Bookmarks". If a record number is shown \Sgo to record, otherwise "remember" current record. \Aclear marker.
keypad29:\Sdisplay menu of special features for this database.
keypad30:\Sopen special \w for this database.
filter0:\Sactivate new filter.
filter1:\Scancel filter and close this \w.
filter3:\Sclose this \w leaving filter still active.
filter4:\Scount records which match search formula entered above.
filter5:Number of matching records is shown here when Count is clicked. Activating the filter zeroes value and then increments it for every matching record retrieved.
search1:Enter the key to search for and click on Find or type Return. You may also enter # followed by a record number.
search3:\Tname of the index which will be searched.
search5:Select to limit search to current subfile.
search6:Select if you want all subfiles searched. Appropriate subfile will be selected if record is found.
search7:Number of records found which match entered key will be displayed here.
search8:\Sproceed with search.
search9:\Sretrieve last key used.
search11/search12:\Schange index to be searched. This does NOT affect the "currrently-active" index as set via the keypad.
query0:Enter a search formula here and click on cream-bordered button or type Return. Wild-cards are permitted (see icon-bar menu, Preferences).
query1:Select if you want upper/lower case letters to be matched exactly. Deselect if case is to be disregarded.
query2:\Sretrieve last search formula used.
query3:\Sobtain help with entering search formulae.
query4:Select to list records in reverse order in reports and CSV files.
query5:This rectangle indicates by its colour whether records are marked for inclusion (green) or exclusion (red).
query6/query7/query8/query9/query10/query11:Highlighted numbers show which subfiles will be searched. \Stoggle them on/off. Holding down Alt when initiating a report causes matching records from ALL subfiles to be included.
move1/change3:\Sproceed with action defined above. (You will be asked for confirmation.)
move2:\Sundo last move/delete operation. You can't undo a Delete if records have been blanked on deletion.
move4:Move matching records from 1st specified subfile to 2nd.
move5:Delete matching records. You can only undo this operation if "Blank records on delection" in the Preferences window is unselected.
move6:Collect matching from ALL subfiles and gather them in the subfile specified.
size1:Defined number of records in database
size3:If greater than 0 database will be expanded by this number of records when it becomes full, instead of reporting an error.
help0:Use bump icons or menu to select tag of search field.
help2:Print record only if search field exactly matches target string.
help11:Print record only if search field does NOT match target string.
help5:Print record only if field contains a value greater than that of target string.
help4:Print record only if field contains a value less than that of target string.
help13:Print record only if field contains a value greater than or equal to that of target string.
help14:Print record only if field contains a value less than or equal to that of target string.
help3:Print record if target string is contained somewhere in search field.
help15:Print record if target string is not contained anywhere in search field.
help6:\Ttarget string. Comparisons are made between it and the contents of the search field to decide whether or not to print the record.
help9:\Sinclude "AND" in multi-criterion searches.
help10:\Sinclude "OR" in multi-criterion searches.
help1:\Sinvert logic of next search criterion.
help7:\Sadd defined element to search formula.
help19:\Sdisplay menu of all fields.
help21:Blank the search formula writable icon.
help22:Print record if ALL target strings are contained somewhere in search field.
match0:Proceed with report (or other action displayed on button).
match2:Query-by-example. Select to display blank record & enter values to be matched in relevant fields, then click on Print. Reverts to search formula entry when deselected.
match3:Select to count matching records without printing a report.
match4:Select to include record number in each record of report.
match6:Select to include selected key of each record in report.
match7:\Sdisplay order of fields selected for printing.
match8:Select to create printed report.
match9:Select to mark matching records without printing report.
match10:Select to clear marks for matching records (no report printed).
match11:Indicates the output destination for reports: Window, Text file or Printer. \Sopen the Print options window. (N.B. Icon will be greyed out if destination is Printer and no driver is loaded.)
match12:Select this button to include subfile number for each record.
match13:Shows time taken to produce a report OR number of matching records found in a Count operation.
mark0:Tick this box with SELECT for an arbitrary selection of records to print. This is for use when you want to print records which have no common feature on which to base a search formula.
mark1:When greyed out no records are marked for printing. Click to make all records unmarked.
match5/savesub4/tabcreate3/change6/fkey7/key36/move3/acl11/link14/save3/savesub3/size5/reform1/mergebase9/search10/calc3/help20/grid10/extracalcs5/mergecom8:\Sclose this \w without further action.
tabcreate0:Give the table a suitable name.
tabcreate1:Specify the number of table entries.
tabcreate2:Proceed with creating table as specified.
tabcreate8/tabcreate10:Enter a column number and click \s on 'Goto' to display relevant column width and heading in centre of scrollable pane at left.
tabcreate11/col11:When selected clicking on icons at right will alter foreground colours.
tabcreate12/col12:When selected clicking on icons at right will alter background colours.
tabcreate13:\Schoose colour for column headings. \Acycle in opposite direction.
tabcreate14:\Schoose colour for data in table. \Acycle in opposite direction.
change0:Specify the field value which is to be changed. A null entry causes all values to be changed.
change1:Specify value which is to replace the above. If the field is numeric you may perform simple calculations by entering "+15" or something similar. +, -, / and * may all be used.
savesub0:When Powerbase icon shows here drag it to a filer \w to create subset of records. When CSV icon shows the result will be creation of a CSV file.
savesub1:\Sexport data under the displayed pathname
savesub2:Enter filename here and drag icon to filer \w. If a full pathname is present you may simply click on Export or type Return.
save0:Enter filename below and drag icon to filer \w. If a full pathname is present you may simply click on Save or type Return.
save1:\Ssave under the displayed pathname
save2:Enter filename here and drag icon to filer \w. If a full pathname is present you may simply click on Save or type Return.
print1:Field tags will be printed as identifiers, either at the head of the report (horizontal, table) or at the left (vertical).
print2:Field descriptors will be printed as identifiers, either at the head of the report (horizontal, table) or at the left (vertical).
print4:Print a header only on the first page.
print5:Print expanded versions of coded, validated fields, i.e. those linked to validation tables.
print6:Print all alphabetic output in capital letters.
print9:Number of lines per "page". This refers only to Window or Text file output; it does NOT affect output to the printer. 0 results in no splitting into pages.
print10:You may enter a title here which you wish to have at the head of your report.
print11:Include in the header the date and time at which the report was created.
print12:Accept and use these settings.
print15:Each record will be printed along a line with the fields separated by a suitable spacer.
print16:Each field will appear on a separate line with (optional) tags or descriptors to the left.
print18:Width to which external text fields will be formatted. 'A' means 'Automatic'; you may leave Powerbase to work out the width. Alternatively you can provide your own value.
print22:Reports will be displayed in their own window, from which the text can be saved.
print23:Output will be sent to a user-determined text file.
print24:Attempt to reduce the "white space" between columns of a report by formatting them to the longest string actually printed, not to the maximum permissible. Printer output is always formatted like this regardless.
print25:All ouput will be directed to the printer. Click 'Lots more' to set up fonts, margins etc.
print26:Column spacer in Horizontal format. A number (x) on its own means x spaces. A number-plus-character means x of that character. Anything else is literal. A vertcal bar produces vertical rules on the printer.
print28:Print a header line at the top of a report in Horizontal or Table format to identify the fields.
print29:Print a footer showing the number of records in the report. Column calculations may also be included for numeric fields.
print31:The saved options file will become the Powerbase default !PrintOpts file which is used if the database doesn't provide a !PrintOpts file of its own.
print32:The file may be saved under any name and reloaded by double-clicking on it. Setting 'Default' in the Save box offers the name !PrintOpts. Such a file will be loaded automatically when the database is opened.
print34:Save the options set in this window and the one accessed via 'Lots more'.
print35:Include page numbers in reports.
print36:The report will be printed without field identifiers.
print37:Print expanded versions of coded strings in report headers, i.e. for those fields linked to validation tables.
print40:All the data in a scrollable list will be formatted as one line. Data items in the same row will be separated by Sep (see below), rows will be separated by Row end (see below).
print41:The rows of the scrollable list will appear underneath each other, occupying as many lines of the report as necessary to accommodate the list.
print42:\Sset up all the features for direct printing. Ruled tables and mailing labels may be printed, fonts and margins selected etc.
print43:Select to remove as much "white space" as possible from scrollable lists printed as single rows.
print44:Enter either tag of field or number of column on which to sort.
print46:When selected the report will be sorted on the field at right before it is printed or displayed.
print47:\Schange order of sort: up-arrow=ascending, down-arrow=descending.
print50:Separator between items in same row of scrollable list. This setting will be used for both list formats.
print51:Terminator for each row of scrollable list when entire list is formatted into one line for printing.
print53:\Sset colour of header font. \Areverse order
print54:\Sset colour of body font. \Areverse order
print55:\Sset colour of rules. \Areverse order
printer0:Name and resolution (H x V) of printer driver (if loaded).
printer3:Long dimension vertical. Also known as "portrait".
printer4:Long dimension horizontal. Also known as "landscape".
printer7:Report is printed in aligned columns, as for Horizontal, but with vertical and horizontal rules between rows and columns. Extra blank columns and rows may be included.
printer8:Print mailing labels. Labels are set up using right-hand side of this window.
printer14/printer15/printer16/printer18:Paper margins in selected units.
printer20:Distance from bottom of line to bottom of next line, given as a percentage of point size. 120% is commonly used. 150% is recommended for Table printing.
printer23:Number of blank columns to the right of the data in Table format. May be zero.
printer24:Width of blank columns in Table-formatted report.
printer27:Label set-up. It is suggested you test by printing first to plain paper before using expensive label stationery.
printer28/printer29/printer30/printer53:Number of labels (1-4) across the page.
printer32:Left edge to left edge distance between labels.
printer34:Top edge to top edge distance between labels.
printer38:Use inches for margins, column width and label dimensions.
printer39:When selected the field whose tag appears at right will be substituted for the one whose tag comes after "if" if the latter is blank.
printer40:Enter tag of field to be replaced.
printer41:Print the primary key of the record (in a small font) as an aid to identification.
printer43:Close this window. Options can be saved from previous window.
printer44/printer47:Click to set number of copies of report to print.
printer45:Number of copies of report.
printer48:Use mm for margins, column width and label dimensions.
printer51/printer52:Lines of unchanging data which you might want printed at the start and end of each label.
printer55:Printing normally starts at label 1 (top left). You can use up a partly-used sheet at the start of a run by setting this value.
printer56:Spacing between baselines of successive lines of text as percentage of font height.
printer57:Font used for headers and footers. Also used for fixed first and last lines on labels.
printer59/printer72:\Sdisplay font menu.
printer61/printer62/printer63/printer64:Size of font in points.
printer65:Enter your own font size if none of the four choices is suitable.
printer68:Select to use the smallest possible margins, i.e. the maximum printable area allowed by your printer.
printer69:Number of blank rows to be added to the end of a report in Table format.
printer71:Font used for all output except headers and footers.
printer77:Use points for margins, column width and label dimensions. (NOTE: 72 points=1 inch)
printer78:Enter tag of field to use as replacement.
printer80/printer81/printer85/printer86:Number of text columns on page.
printer82:Unused space between columns of multi-column pages.
passwd2:The "read" password. Permits the user to examine records and print reports, but not to make any alterations.
passwd3:The "write" password. Permits the user to add, delete and edit records, to create indices, and to create and edit validation tables.
passwd5:The "manager" password. Gives access to all Powerbase facilities including the ability to restructure the database (and to set passwords!).
passwd7:These switches enable you to enable or disable various features to control database use.
passwd9:Keypad is available when selected. Deselect to suppress keypad.
passwd10:When selected most keypad actions and many menu choices have keystroke equivalents. Deselect to suppress them.
passwd11:MENU button over main \w brings up the menu. Deselect to suppress main menu.
passwd12:MENU button over icon brings up icon-bar menu. Deselect to suppress icon-bar menu.
passwd13:When selected the user may export data as CSV files and subset databases. Deselect to prevent this.
passwd14:When selected reports may be printed. Deselect to prevent printing of reports.
passwd15:When selected primary keys may be duplicated. Deselect to enforce unique primary keys.
passwd16:When selected a log is maintained of database usage. Deselect to disable logging.
passwd17:\Senter I.D.s and personal passwords for users.
passwd19:Drag icon to a directory window to start a log somewhere other than in database directory.
passwd20:\Sdisplay the Log file (if any).
acl0:Enter name by which user will be known.
acl1:Enter password. (It will not be visible as you type.) To change an existing password re-enter I.D. above and type in new password.
acl12:Enter password again. (Checks whether you made a mistake.)
acl3:Select to remove user's I.D. from access-control list.
acl4:Select to give user read-only access.
acl5:Select to give user read and write access.
acl6:Select to give user manager access.
acl9:\Senter user in access-control list.
acl15:Drag to directory where access-control list is to be stored (otherwise database directory will be used). \Adisplay current pathname.
create28:Use bump icons or menu to select field type required. (Field types are grouped into classes which are selected using radio buttons below.)
create21:Fields in this class are all directly writable by the user.
create24:Fields in this class toggle between two states when clicked on with \s.
create23:These are duplicates of the control buttons on the keypad and are provided for users who wish to suppress the keypad and place all controls on the record \w.
create22:These are fields linked to a separate text or graphics file which is stored in the database directory.
create35:These fields are automatically "stamped" by Powerbase under appropriate circumstances. They cannot be edited by the user.
create47:Fields in this class are self-calculating
create48:These are additional buttons which have no keypad equivalent but might prove useful.
create4:Label used to identify field on screen. (May be null.)
create5:Name by which field is identified in searches. Must be unique and can only be null if field is merely a label with no associated data.
create6:Maximum number of characters which may be entered in field.
create7:x co-ordinate of lower left corner of bounding box.
create8:y co-ordinate of lower-left corner of bounding box
create9:Width of bounding box.
create10:Height of bounding box.
create15:Lowest value which may be entered in a numeric field. (Optional.)
create25:Highest value which may be entered in a numeric field. (Optional.)
create14:Select if you wish to store a numeric field in fixed-point format and enter number of decimal places at right.
create13:Number of decimal places for numbers in fixed-point format.
create30:\Sdelete the specified field.
create29:Effect alterations to existing field.
create39:\Schange field number to that entered above. Other fields will be renumbered as necessary to avoid duplication.
create40:\Sswap number of current field with that shown above. Numbers of fields other than these two are unaffected.
create42:\Smake width of bounding box correctly fit data length.
create44:\Sdisplay menu of fields. Choosing from menu displays data for chosen field.
create45:Select to round numbers to nearest integer.
create46:Select to retain numbers in floating-point format.
create49:\Ssnap all fields and descriptors to grid.
create50/create51/create52/create53:\S"nudge" fields into position. \a moves in opposite direction to arrow.
create55:Select to make fields mandatory. You will be unable to move to another record, close the database or quit Powerbase until all such fields have been filled in.
access0:This database is set up for access by specified users only. If you have been given a user I.D. type it here and your personal password in the field below.
access1:Enter password and click on "Open".
scroll:Enter width in characters and an (optional) heading for each column you require in the table. Use successive rows of this \w: avoid gaps.
prefs1:Powerbase will ensure that the character entered here is used as the day, month, year separator in all dates entered.
prefs4:Powerbase will ensure that the character entered here is used as the hrs, min, sec separator in all times entered.
prefs7:This character is used in search formulae to indicate a single character which need not be matched.
prefs10:This character is used in search formulae to indicate a group of characters which need not be matched.
prefs12:Double-clicking on a database normally closes any open one before opening the new one. Select this switch to launch another copy of Powerbase to open the new database.
prefs14:If selected then any Calculated or Composite fields for which TIME$ appears in the calculation formula will be recalculated for all subfiles on opening the database.
prefs15:Select to ensure that deleting a record destroys the actual data as well as removing its key(s) from the index(es).
prefs16:When creating a record layout deselect this switch if you wish to move fields and descriptors independently.
prefs17:Name of application which can request data from Powerbase via the ImpulseII module.
prefs19:When selected any field linked to a validation table will display its linked data to the right of the keypad.
prefs20:Select if you want to be warned before deleting external text fields or pictures.
prefs21:Data-entry validation is 'ON' if this switch selected.
prefs25:Interval in minutes at at which autosave or warning will occur.
prefs27:Save indices and tables every n minutes (n=value above).
prefs28:Warn user every n minutes but don't actually save.
prefs29:Autosave/warn OFF.
prefs30:The Case sensitive switch on the Query Panel will be selected by default if this switch is selected.
prefs31:Select to force index balancing at regular intervals.
prefs32:Index-balancing will occur every n records (n=value in this field) if switch at left is selected.
prefs34:Select if you wish to be warned before a primary key is duplicated.
prefs35/print51/csv19:Choices will be saved in current database, overriding Powerbase default.
prefs36/print50/csv18:Choices will be saved in Powerbase in place of existing default choices.
grid16/keystroke1:\Sload default choices. Hold down Shift to load settings originally supplied with Powerbase.
prefs37/print17/csv20/col15::\Sload default choices, overriding any specific database defaults. Hold down Shift to load settings originally supplied with Powerbase
prefs38/print53/csv21:Save these choices for future use.
csv10/passwd18/printer67/print33/prefs40:\Scancel changes just made to this \w, restoring the way it was when opened.
prefs41:If selected typing Return in a writable icon in a dialogue box exits with default action; otherwise this happens only in last writable icon in box.
prefs42:Select to remove "hidden" spaces at right of strings in writable icons. This happens only when using the Return key or cursor up/down arrow keys to move between icons - such spaces may still be introduced when moving with the mouse.
prefs43:If this switch is selected Powerbase remembers what record was displayed before a subfile change and displays that record on returning to the subfile. Otherwise the first record in a subfile is always displayed.
prefs44:Select if you want a CSV file of new and altered records to be created as you edit. File is called NewData and is in PrintJobs.
prefs45:The field where the caret is placed for editing may be entered here and saved with the other preferences.
prefs47:Select to remove leading spaces in strings. Only takes effect when record is written to file.
prefs48:Select to make Powerbase remember status of marked records when the database is closed. The marks will be restored on re-opening. To wipe the stored information, clear marks before closing.
prefs49:Select to make user menus open automatically when caret enters associated data field.
csv5:Display menu of separators. Last item allows you to specify your own.
csv6:Display menu of terminators. Last item allows you to specify your own.
csv0:Enclose each item of data in quotes. This enables you to include the separator/terminator as part of a string without it being interpreted as such. Quotes are stripped automatically on import.
csv1:Put extra line, specifying fields to which data belongs, at beginning of file.
csv2:Don't ignore fields which are blank: export/import as nulls.
csv3:Include primary key with exported data. On import write data to record with same key.
csv4:Include data about length and type of each field. File exported with this option set can be used to create a database from scratch.
csv11:When importing data, display each record.
csv13:Pathname of file dropped onto record \w.
csv14:Character(s) used between items of data in exported and imported files. If a comma the file is called CSV, if a TAB it is TSV. Any character may be used, however, and all such files are referred to throughout Powerbase as CSV files.
csv15:Character(s) used to terminate each line of data in a CSV, or similar, file.
csv16:Strip imported data of leading and trailing spaces.
csv22:Include record number with imported data. On import write data to record with same numbers.
csv23:When selected sequence numbers are assigned as if entering records by hand, i.e. ignoring values in CSV records. When deselected existing values from CSV file are used and sequence counter is not incremented.
csv24:When selected the imported data will be read into EXISTING records in key order, i.e. no new records will be created. USE WITH CAUTION!
csv25:Display menu of row terminators for scrollable lists. Last item allows you to specify your own.
csv27:Character(s) used to terminate each row of a scrollable list when exported as a single data item in a CSV, or similar, file.
calc0:Enter formula to calculate this field from contents of others then click on OK or type Return.
calc1:Accept formula
calc2:Scan current subfile and apply calculation to all records. If deselected only new records will be affected.
fkey0:This sprite tells you which keypad button you clicked MENU on.
fkey1:Select if you want to assign a Shifted function key.
fkey2:Select if you want to assign a function key used with Ctrl.
fkey3:The function key to be assigned to the button is displayed here.
fkey4/fkey5:Click to cycle through the allowed function keys.
fkey6:Assign the displayed key (with Shift, Ctrl, or neither) to the displayed button. Any previous assignment will be cancelled.
key0/key1/key2/key3/key4/key5/key6/key7:Click to select field tag.
key8/key9/key10/key11:\Sdisplay menu of fields - an alternative means of selection.
key12/key16/key20/key24:Selected field tag is displayed here.
key13/key17/key21/key25:Enter word number, e.g. 1 for first word in field, 2 for second.
key14/key18/key22/key26:Enter position in word. L for start of word, R for end of word, character number for other position.
key15/key19/key23/key27:Enter number of characters to be used.
key29:\Tnumber of the currently-selected key.
key30:Select if you want the indexing to take account of case.
key31:Create index based on key structure specified above.
key32:New primary key index will keep records in same subfiles as at present. Deselect to put all records in subfile 0.
key33:Take no account of old primary key index. All records will go into subfile 0 and even "deleted" records may be retrieved if they have not been blanked. Use if old index damaged or non-existent.
key35:Select if you want short keys (or segments thereof) to be padded to their defined length.
key37:Select to prevent insertion of zero-length keys into secondary indices.
link0:Name of chosen table.
link2:Column of validation table linked to field.
link3:Make/break link.
link4:Select to make link, deselect to break link.
link5/link6:Click to choose table for linking to field.
link7/link8/link11/link12:Click to choose column number.
link9:Select if you wish to have keyboard entry automatically replaced by value from the validation table.
link10:Column of validation table to substitute for keyboard entry.
link15:Deselect to allow input strings which begin with, but are longer than, the corresponding table entry. Strings shorter than the table entry are not allowed. If switch is selected the match must be exact.
link13:\Sdisplay menu of tables - alternative way to choose a table.
reform0:Drag this icon to a filer window after entering database name above
reform2:Proceed with reformatting of database.
reform3:Pathname of database to be reformatted.
reform6:Name of reformatted database. EITHER enter leafname and drag sprite to filer window OR drop database shell which contains modifed Form file onto this window.
reform11:If ticked no warning or information messages will be displayed during reformatting. (Setting is saved as part of Preferences file.)
mergebase1:Proceed with merging of databases.
mergebase2:Pathname of currently-active database.
mergebase3:Pathname of database to merge with above.
mergebase4:Same as open database by default. You may change this to create completely new database leaving both source databases unaffected.
mergebase7:Enter new name at left and drag icon to a directory window.
mergebase10:When selected sequence numbers are assigned as if entering records by hand, i.e. ignoring values already in merged records. When deselected existing values from merged records are used and sequence counter is not incremented.
mergebase11:Records will be merged into same subfiles as they currently occupy. Deselect to put all records in subfile 0.
mergebase12:Take no account of old primary key index. All records will go into subfile 0 and even "deleted" records will be retrieved if they have not been blanked.
col0:\Schoose colour for primary key descriptor when key is selected. \Acycle in opposite direction.
col1:\Schoose colour for primary key data field when key is selected. \Acycle in opposite direction.
col2:\Schoose colour for primary key descriptor when key is deselected. \Acycle in opposite direction.
col3:\Schoose colour for primary key data field when key is deselected. \Acycle in opposite direction.
col4:\Schoose colour for secondary key descriptor when key is selected. \Acycle in opposite direction.
col5:\Schoose colour for secondary key data field when key is selected. \Acycle in opposite direction.
col6:\Schoose colour for secondary key descriptor when key is deselected. \Acycle in opposite direction.
col7:\Schoose colour for secondary key data field when key is deselected. \Acycle in opposite direction.
col8:\Schoose colour for data field linked to validation table. \Acycle in opposite direction. Background colour cannot be changed.
col9:\Schoose colour for mandatory fields. \Acycle in opposite direction.
col10:\Schoose colour for scrollable lists. \Acycle in opposite direction.
merge1:\Tname of the document into which data is to be merged.
merge2:Print document with merged data as displayed.
merge3:Select if you want document to be printed each time a record is merged.
merge4:Start merge operation.
merge5:Close this \w and restore document to initial state.
merge6:Key field(s) of record currently being merged.
merge7:Number of documents printed in this merge session.
merge9:Name of application whose document is to receive the merged data. Should be left as Impression even when using Style or Publisher.
merge11:Make document editable and saveable with currently visible data merged. Be careful not to save with original filename or you will overwrite document containing merge commands!
grid0:Turn layout grid on or off.
grid2:\Scycle through colours for grid lines. \Ato go in opposite direction.
grid3:Use solid lines for grid.
grid4:Use dotted lines for grid.
grid5:Snap fields to grid when created or moved.
grid8:This is the spacing (in OS units) between the grid lines.
grid9:This is the interval (in OS units) to which fields will snap when created or adjusted.
grid11/grid12:\Salter line spacing by 2 OS units each time.
grid13/grid14:\Salter snap interval by 2 OS units each time.
info10:\Saccess our web-site.
info11:\Semail Powerbase Support.
extracalcs0:Enter calculation formula, e.g. NUM1+NUM2 to add two numeric fields whose tags are NUM1 and NUM2. This field may not be left blank
extracalcs1:Optional heading to be used in report. If not supplied, above formula will be used.
extracalcs2/extracalcs3:Select as if you were applying the formula to a Calculated (Numeric) or Composite (String) field.
extracalcs4/calc4:\Sdisplay menu of fields. You may enter tags into the formula by choosing from this menu or clicking Ctrl-SELECT over the actual database fields.
extracalcs6:\Sto include calculation in report, \a if you want this window to stay open.
extracalcs11:The calculation number being entered is shown here. 10 calculations (numbered 0-9) are allowed.
extracalcs14:Width, in characters, for result of calculation. If no value entered 15 will be used for numeric and 255 for string results, but the latter will be greatly reduced if 'Shrink list' is turned on.
extracalcs15/extracalcs16:\Saccess previous calculations for editing. \Areverse action.
extracalcs17:\Sclear all calculations and rest of print selection. Has same action as 'Clear selection' or Ctrl-Z.
extracalcs?/extracalcs??:\T\w where you may define computed results which appear only on a report. They are like the values in Calculated and Composite fields without being associated with an actual field.
mergecom1/mergecom2/mergecom3/mergecom4:Use bump icons or menu to select tag of field to merge
mergecom5/mergecom7:Use menu to select type of merge command
mergecom9:Place caret in document then drag this icon to it
mergecom?/mergecom??:\T\w from which you can enter Merge commands into an Impression document.
grid?/grid??:\Tgrid-defining \w. It is used to set up a grid for laying out the record design.
prefs?/prefs??:\Tpreferences \w. It is used to choose settings which determine how Powerbase works for you.
passwd?/passwd??:\Tpassword-setting \w. It is only accessible if you have "Manager" access or if no passwords at all are set. Many other aspects of database access are also controlled from here.
print?/print??:\TPrint Options \w. Click 'Lots more' to set up your printer.
printer?/printer??:This \w sets all the options for outputting to the printer.
csv?/csv??:This \w sets the options for CSV file creation and import.
main?/main??:\Trecord \w. \Ahighlight fields for inclusion in a report. The order in which fields are highlighted is the order in which they will be printed.
keypad?/keypad??:\Tkeypad. Click MENU to set keystroke-equivalents for the buttons.
query?/query??:The area bounded by a red line is the Query Panel. It appears on any \w which can accept a search formula.
move?/move??:This \w is used to move or delete sets of records all of which match the entered search formula.
size?/size??:This \w defines the size of the database
help?/help??:This \w provides a way of entering search formulae for users unfamiliar with Powerbase's query language.
match?/match??:\TMatch \w which is used to interrogate the database.
tabcreate?/tabcreate??:This \w is used to create Validation tables.
savesub?/savesub??:This \w is used to export data either as a CSV (or similar) file or as a fully-working database consisting of a subset of records from the current database.
save?/save??:\Tstandard Save box which is used for general file-saving throughout Powerbase.
acl?/acl??:This \w allows you to create an access-control list for the database in which individual users have their own I.D.s and passwords.
create?/create??:\Tform-creation \w which you use to design the database record.
access?/access??:The fact that this \w has appeared at all means that the database is password-protected.
calc?/calc??:Formulae for Calculated and Composite fields are entered in this \w.
fkey?/fkey??:This \w is used to set up function keys to produce the actions of the keypad. Any exisiting key assignment is displayed.
key?/key??:This \w is used for defining key-structures for the primary key and for subsidiary indices. It also gives details about the currently-selected key.
change?/change??:This \w is used for making changes which affect a set of records matching a search formula.
link?/link??:This \w is used to make or break links between data fields and validation tables.
col?/col??:This \w lets you chose foreground and background colours for the primary key field, other key fields and fields linked to validation tables.
reform?/reform??:This \w is used when rebuilding a database to an altered format. Drop database with new record format anywhere in window.
mergebase?/mergebase??:This \w is used when merging currently-open database with a second one. Drop second database anywhere in window.
search?/search??:This \w is used to find individual records by key or (less commonly) by record number.
filter?/filter??:This \w is used to "filter" the records so that only certain ones are accessed by the keypad "browse" buttons.
info?/info??:This \w gives information about the program.
misc?/misc??:This \w gives details of the size, usage and updating of the database.
relate?/relate??:This \w shows the data in the row of the linked validation table corresponding to the data in the field.
access?/access??:Enter your password and click on OK type Return.
mark?/mark??:This \w may be configured OFF - See Config file. It may also be toggled ON/OFF with Ctrl-M.
HelpPbase:\TPowerbase icon. Click SELECT or MENU if you wish to create a new database.
Pselect:Fields listed are Numeric or Calculated. Select check-boxes to include totalling etc. at the end of reports. Boxes are only "live" for fields which are highlighed for printing.
iconbar2:\Raccess various tools to examine and change a database's structure
iconbar3:Closes database but leaves Powerbase running
iconbar4/mainmen55:\Rrename database. Don't just rename in a directory display or you'll lose the correct icon.
iconbar7:Closes database and shuts down Powerbase
iconbar21:Use to make small changes, e.g. positions of fields on screen and to add buttons, scrollable lists, labels and most types of External field
iconbar22:Use if fields are to be deleted, Editable fields added or lengths of fields are to change.
iconbar23:\Smerge this database with another which must have an identical record structure
iconbar25:Occasional use of this choice can speed up searches and new record insertion
iconbar26:Displays tree structure of current index
iconbar264:Shows numbers of keys in each level of index. Should ideally be 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 etc
iconbar265:Displays full binary tree structure of index in addition to above
iconbar29:Use to insert Merge commands into Impression documents.
mainmen2:\Sproduce a report. Use \a to highlight fields for printing
mainmen4:To create an index on a field click MENU over the field and go to the Field submenu
mainmen40:\Sdisplay structure of current key
mainmen41:The attached submenu can be used to "kill" an index. No further insertions or deletions will be performed on it and the index file on disc is renamed with a "Del_" prefix.
mainmen42:\Sdisplay the Indices directory which contains all index files belonging to this database. Those prefixed with "Del_" are inactive and may be out of date. Renaming to bring them back into use may have unforseen results.
mainmen7:\Rextract data from displayed record in the form of a text file
mainmen8:\Screate a fully-working database from selected records in this database
mainmen9:Make a copy of this database under another name.
mainmen10_0:\Smake a CSV file from selected data
mainmen10_1:Choices affect both import and export of data
mainmen10:\Schoose a key structure and create an index based on this field
mainmen11:\Sprovide a breakdown of values in a DATE field or an INDEXED field
mainmen12:\Smake specified changes to many records in the database
mainmen11_:\Sundo all changes made to displayed record. Only works if changes have not yet been saved
mainmen13:\Sestablish a link between this field and a validation table so that the field will only accept entries which appear in the table
mainmen14:\Senter a formula for a Calculated or Composite field, or to set base value for a Sequence number.
mainmen16:\Sdelete file attached to this field
mainmen17:\Rsave attached file or save scrollable list as text
mainmen18:\Rsave contents of scrollable list as CSV file
mainmen19:\Sundo changes to this field. Only works if changes have not yet been saved
mainmen110_:\Sreassign values in a Sequence number field so that there are no gaps in the sequence
mainmen21:\Sdisplay PrintRes directory. Query, Selection and Print option files are saved here by default
mainmen22:\Sdisplay PrintJobs directory. Reports generated by database are saved here by default
mainmen24:\Rsave search formula for future use. It may be reloaded by dragging or double-clicking
mainmen25:\Schoose column calculations on numeric data in reports.
mainmen26:\Sset up field-dependent calculations which appear only on reports.
mainmen27:\Rsave highlighted field selection for future use. It may be reloaded by dragging or double-clicking
mainmen28:\Sclear all selected fields and extra calculations.
mainmen29:\Sshow selected fields in order of selection, extra calculations included.
mainmen210_:\Shighlight all printable fields
mainmen31:\Rfor menu of all tables loaded by this database. ValTables directory may contain others
mainmen32:\Sdisplay ValTables directory which contains all validation tables belonging to this database
mainmen50:\Sdelete selected batch of records or move them to another subfile
mainmen53:\Senter data which is to be automatically entered on new records
design2:\Screate database of 100 records with first 4 characters of first editable field as primary key
design7:\Sreturn to normal database functions
keystroke0:\Rassign a keytroke equivalent to the button under the pointer.
mergemen0:\Senter command to merge database field into document
mergemen1:\Senter command to merge expanded contents of table-linked field into document
mergemen2:\Senter the "NextMatch" command. This causes data from next matching record to be merged into SAME copy of document
keystroke/keystroke?/keystroke??:This menu is used to display and edit the keystroke sequences which mimic the keypad buttons